Wednesday, September 9, 2009


September is an incredibly busy month for me. So much to do not enough time! 
My agenda for this weekend along is hectic! 

It involves:
Friday - Work, assignments, if time drinks at my friends.
Saturday - Assignments, getting Lauren's birthday present, Lauren's birthday high tea, Brothers 21st and my mates want me to go into town with them.
Sunday - hangover and assignments. 

Every weekend after that I have Richard's 21st / Tiana's 19th, Ashleigh's 19th, Craig and Lyndon's 19th, bustrip, family coming down. Im sort of glad my friend Fleur lives in Auckland otherwise Id have her birthday too. I'm going hate it when my 1990 friends turn 21 it will NEVER end!

Monday, September 7, 2009


So a few of you are going to be mega jealous of me, because I got to stay in noddy town in the weekend. Well, it wasn't really Noddy town it was just our cabin at Aaron's lodge in Dunedin. It was tiny! Like my car was bigger than it. 

Everything around it was multi-coloured too which made it more amazing aswell. Even though the size of our cabin was tiny the weekend was huge and fantastic! I didn't want to come home.
Heres some snips of our cabin and weekend:
Noddy town!
Me and the girls by a statue.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I work at New World, and yesterday while I was working on lotto, selling a customer a Big Wednesday ticket they were saying what they would buy if they won lotto. Then they asked me. 

If you know me you would know what kind of answer to this question you would receive as I'm pretty imaginative. 
Well politely answering this customers question and not even having to think of the possibilities i answered with 'a Llama'.  They looked at me strangely not knowing what to say but 'why?' The laughter that came from them when I said that they are like a mixture of a horse and a sheep.

Now heres to prove that they are a inbreed animal.

Do you see It?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Haven't my olds learnt?

Every week I'm meant to cook dinner one night. Tonight is that night. 
Now I can't cook to save myself. If it can't go into the microwave for two minutes and the preparation isn't add water or remove lid I fail. 
I don't even know how to make rice. 
I do however get close to pasta its either over or under cooked though. 

Now my parents think this is good experience for me, but you would think after the first couple of disgusting meals they would give up. This hasn't been the case.

My way of cooking dinner is getting a wok and chucking in anything thats looks 'interesting' or smells nice and calling it 'stir-fry'. So it mostly contains a lot of herbs and vegetables which have colour. The vegetables may however not be edible. 

My best friend has already learnt to not let me cook while I was staying with her. I cooked 'unmentionable' mince for her. You could not tell that it was mince and the flavours just kept coming. 

Now if she's learnt surely my parents would have. 
Sure some of the meals are edible. Just normal people would choose not to eat them and not let me cook!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Random facts

Found a brilliant website of random facts, mostly American.

Heres the most interesting ones:

The roar that we hear when we place a seashell next to our ear is not the ocean, but rather the sound of blood surging through the veins in the ear. Any cup-shaped object placed over the ear produces the same effect.

Every human spent about half an hour as a single cell.

On average, there are 178 sesame seeds on each McDonalds BigMac bun.

Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of unwanted people without killing them used to burn their houses down -- hence the expression "to get fired"

The word "nerd" was first coined by Dr. Seuss in "If I Ran the Zoo."

The word "lethologica" describes the state of not being able to remember the word you wan

Amazing facts

Firstly, I like to search for random things on google.

Today I found out that boys had nipples, because we all started off in the womb as girls.

This made think about how amazing the human body is and how so many people abuse the body. Like the people that aren't donors. Your dead why do you need your organs? Let someone who needs them have them. How selfish! Santa won't be bringing you presents.

Sure everyones intitled to free will and it is there bodies, but when people harm their bodies and during that other peoples is when it becomes a problem. For example people that smoke in public places and vehicles. Smoking to me is the most disgusting addiction in the world. Drugaddicts even have more consideration for other people than smokers do.

I googled facts about smoking.
Guess what I found...

electric cigarettes...
now if you want to give up smoking, dont transfer to something that looks like a cigarette and still releases a tiny amount of niccortine get patches or those pills and gum.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Spring? or is it a delusion?

Today is beautiful! 
Spring breeze, sun shining. All is wonderful!
Now only if winter will stay away until next year.

Made plans to go to Dunedin next weekend. Can't wait! Weekend full of friends, drinking and the beach. Just hopefully the plans don't get spoiled by anything. 

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The photos I promised

Finally am able to upload the photos sorry it took so long laptop decided to fail on me :Z

He didn't find the 'quake safeing' his room amusing at all!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Plan is beginning

Now I'm not usually a planner but this has to be throughly thought out to create the best use for the cling-wrap. I have decided I'm going to create havic for my older brother.
While he is at work tonight I am going to go round into his flat and cling-wrap everything in his room!

This will be throughly inconvient for him as he doesnt get home until 11:45pm and he will just want to go straight to bed.

If you don't know me very well, you won't know that when I do something I like to make the most of it. Which means that his bedroom will be COVERED in cling-wrap. It will be absolutely impossible for him to enter his room.

The question is though how do I mark this as my responsiblity?
I want him to know that it was me.
Any ideas?

Fate or Karma?

So last night mother came home with 600 meters of cling-wrap. 
Tonight I'm going to give it an inconvenience purpose.
Will post photos tomorrow.


Monday, August 17, 2009

The starter..

Isn't this exciting! 
My first ever blog! How should we start???

Firstly, I find the most basic un-noticed things brilliant! My day is never complete without me pulling out a camera or my cellphone and clicking at what others would state as 'insane' things. 
I also have an addiction for quotes. My favourite right now is "If they never meet, there is no problem."
now this could be used in devious ways.

My life is filled with a lot of different types of people from 'scene' people to the 'rich and snooty'. Who knows how I can relate to them all but somehow I do. 

So do you want to keep reading? 
You know where to find me now.

Gossip Girl

haha just kidding!