Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Amazing facts

Firstly, I like to search for random things on google.

Today I found out that boys had nipples, because we all started off in the womb as girls.

This made think about how amazing the human body is and how so many people abuse the body. Like the people that aren't donors. Your dead why do you need your organs? Let someone who needs them have them. How selfish! Santa won't be bringing you presents.

Sure everyones intitled to free will and it is there bodies, but when people harm their bodies and during that other peoples is when it becomes a problem. For example people that smoke in public places and vehicles. Smoking to me is the most disgusting addiction in the world. Drugaddicts even have more consideration for other people than smokers do.

I googled facts about smoking.
Guess what I found...


electric cigarettes...
now if you want to give up smoking, dont transfer to something that looks like a cigarette and still releases a tiny amount of niccortine get patches or those pills and gum.

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